Why do we need a massage?
The field of massage treatments has been growing in recent years, more people are realising that massage can give a wide range of benefits. Now just take a look to consider some of the top reasons why people always choose to have a massage?
From rehabilitation to relaxation, here are 6 benefits of getting a massage:
1. Relieve stress and anxiety
2. Relieve lower back pain & other areas of the body
3. Reduce muscle tension
4. Reduce depression & relieve headaches
5. Improve flexibility, stability and quality of life in older adults
6. Improve your overall health and well-being

Getting a massage before or after workout?
I have been asked a lot from my customers about the benefits of a pre and post workout massage. Here are the answers...
Benefits of a pre-workout massage
Getting a massage before working out allows the muscles to get warmed up and stretches them to increase flexibility. It also helps get you in the right frame of mind for your workout. A study in the Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness found that the psychological benefits of a pre-workout massage, including reduced stress, tension, and anxiety, leaves you relaxed and focused to get the most from your workout. The key thing to bear in mind is that the massage should be gentle with light strokes such as Swedish or Relaxing massage but not deep tissue one, which, pre-workout, can cause muscle soreness and tightness.
Benefits of a post-workout massage
Receiving a massage once you've finished working out helps reduce muscle soreness by reducing inflammation and reduces your recovery time by speeding up cell recovery. The key thing to bear in mind is that the massage should take place as soon as possible after exercising. According to a study in the Journal of Athletic Training this can reduce delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMs) by a massive 30%. But if you intend to have a Deep Tissue or a Sports massage, I would recommend you to do a low intensity workout instead to prevent the muscle injuries that you might get before a Deep Tissue or a Sports massage.
So as you will agree there are many benefits to having a massage both before and after a workout. Just be sure to get the right type of massage to set your body up for success.

Deep Tissue Massage for a Chronic Pain.
Deep tissue massage is aimed at the deeper tissue structures of the muscle and fascia, also called connective tissue, which is great for relieving chronic muscle pain that's aggravated by traveling. Whether you've just taken a long flight or you've been stuck in a car for weeks, booking a deep tissue massage can help you alleviate chronic muscle soreness so you can get back to enjoying your vacation. Deep tissue massages use many of the same movements and techniques as Swedish massages, but the pressure will generally be more intense. It is also a more focused type of massage, as the therapist works to release chronic muscle tension or "knots"—also known as "adhesions."
Although some travelers may be wary of getting this type of massage—especially because it can be a little rougher and takes approximately an hour for a full session—the relief to deep knots in your muscles may be worth the extra pressure. Just be sure to consult your doctor if you are prone to blood clots, low blood pressure, or have recently received medical treatment as work on the deep tissue is known to lower blood pressure.
What to expect at your first massage -
When you book an appointment at a spa for a deep tissue massage, you should be prepared to be a little more uncomfortable than you would during a classic Swedish massage. Since deep tissue massage requires intense pressure against adhesions on your muscles and connective tissues, your therapist will be focused on specific areas for longer, but don't be afraid to speak up if the pressure is too much for you. If the pressure is more than you can comfortably take, you might unconsciously tense up, guarding your body against pain, but this makes it harder for the therapist to achieve results. You are always better off with only getting as much pressure as you can take while still being relaxed, so it's important to build a trusting and communicative relationship with your therapist. Therapists use different techniques, including applying pressure with their elbows, so some might be more uncomfortable than others. You should let your therapist know if there is a technique you don't like.
What to expect after a deep tissue massage -
It's important to drink a lot of water after a deep tissue massage to help flush lactic acid out of the tissues. If you don't, you might be sore the next day. It's possible that you might feel some soreness the day after a deep tissue massage even if you do drink water, but this just means a lot of waste products were flushed out of the tissues. You should continue to stay hydrated and keep drinking water, especially if you're traveling and staying active. You should also book another appointment if you enjoyed your experience and are attempting to treat chronic pain. Integrating a deep tissue massage into your routine is much more effective than one session, especially because the masseuse will become more familiar with your body as you become more familiar with their techniques each time you go.